Company details
Located at Mughete
mughetenyakabalevanillacoffee@gmail.comContact person
Key contact: Kule Archangel
Title: General Manager
Mughete Nyakabale Vanilla-Coffee Growers
Cooperative Society Ltd is a farmer based
organisation that was started in 2016 by vanilla
farmers who faced common problems. It was
registered with the Ministry of Trade Industry and
Cooperatives under registration 9611 /RCS; it deals
in vanilla buying from its member farmers. It has
352 members and 3 other groups. It produces over
20mt per year of green vanilla beans.
Company philosophy
It is a cooperative owned by the general assembly
represented by the elected board to run the
day today activities. The elected board has a
responsibility to recruit a manager who acts on
their behalf. Our unique selling point is about 20mt
per year of green beans.
Vanilla quality profile
Our vanilla quality profile is good with vanillin
content on dry weight basis between 2.9 to 3.8 mt.
Farmers associated with and
districts of operations
Cooperative members/farmers: Kasese, Rubirizi
and Ntoroko.